NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

The Organisations listed below all have objectives broadly similar to or in keeping with our own. Please visit them and give them your support.

These are listed alphabetically, NOT in order of priority. All are worthy of your help.

Action for Animals Network


Animal Help Europe e.V.

Animal Net

Animals Asia Foundation

Animals' Right to Life

Asian Animal Protection Network
Our sincere thanks to AAPN for providing some valuable material used on this site

The Canadian Voice for Animals Foundation

Compassion and Responsibility for Animals (CARA)
Animal shelter in the Philippines

Danish Group for Animal Welfare


Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Feline Rights (NZ)

Friends of Dogs

Greenland's Sled Dogs

High Hopes Haven Charitable Trust

Humane Society of the United States
This link is to HSUS's campaign against fur

International Fund for Animal Welfare

International Movement Against Bullfights
The definitive site on this barbaric "sport". In 5 languages.

Korean Animal Protection Society

Labour Animal Welfare Society
Animal welfare group within British Labour Party
Group and petition focusing on South Korea's bear farms

Mundo Animal
Animal World - in Spanish

National Council for Aging Care
NCAG's guide on Pets for Seniors

Our World of Animals

Senior Dogs Project
Finding homes for older dogs

Society for the Protection of Animal Rights, Egypt

Soi Dog Foundation, Thailand

Site devoted to the plight of Korean animals - in Dutch

German site dealing with cat abuse in China and the Philippines

Zurich Animal Protection Society

Statutes of Limitations
This site is not an organisation like the others above, but it is an extremely useful tool for USA citizens to find the laws relating to animal welfare in different States. We would like to thank our friend Pierce for making us aware of this valuable asset. Pierce is a young man who we are certain will in time become an outstanding animal defender.

We welcome link-exchanges with web-sites with goals aimed at ending animals' suffering world-wide. To have your link posted on this page, please email Elly Maynard

If you can't find the link you are looking for above, try this search engine (dog-related sites only) Search Engine
Search for doginfo on 


Our thanks to the organisations below for presenting us with these awards.

Zurich Animal Protection Society         

Canadian Voice For Animals
         International Association of WebMasters and Designers

         International Association of WebMasters and Designers

Pet Transportation Service

Dog Cull in Cities Dogs for Fur Dog Fondue Tang's story Cats in China Sichuan Peixiun SARS Bile Bears How to help Petitions Rome Endorsements Correspondence Links